Kerry ETB
Coláiste Gleann Lí


Coláiste Gleann Li Celebrates World Book Day on March 7th, 2024

World Book Week Events MARCH 4th - 8th







English Department to launch World Book Week with a PA announcement and an extract on the PA system.

English Classes 1st and 2nd Year: Choice Boards for Making a book Items.

Design a door competition to start.

Extract Reading over the PA System

English Classes: Continue to make book related items.

Teachers to display these by end of the week as a showcase or ‘gallery’ walk.

TY’s participating in Reading Buddies at local Primary School

Book Swap- Students can bring in books no longer wanted and swap with their peers or donate to the library.

1St Year are baking cupcakes linked to World Book Day to sell at bake sale. (in Home etc)

Students and staff will be encouraged to dress as a character from a book. Or Wear the colours assigned to their year based on a book.

E2.00 fee

1st- Green: Anne of Green Gables

2nd – Blue-The Bluest Eye

3rd- Red- Little Red Riding Hood

5th- Black- Black Beauty

6th- Purple- The Colour Purple

Staff- Multicolour


Room 8 and 9: Making a Book Mark

Bake Sale to take place at break and lunch

All Classes and Teachers:

10AM- 5 Mins: Drop What you are doing and read:

Teachers to lead this, various short stories will be supplied all teachers encouraged to drop what they are doing and read a short story to their classes.

Room 8 and 9: Making a Book Mark

Winners of Competitions to be announced.

Ongoing throughout the week:

Book Cover competition

Book Review Competition

6 Word Story Competition

Poetry/Song Competition

Short Story competition

Create a new Character for a novel- can be drawn or written- but must come with an explanation.

Paired Reading to begin. Use of 1st and 5th year students.

All other competitions announced.

Book to film to start.

Staff Book Club Meet at Lunch time (room TBC)

Guess what the teacher is reading competition begins.

What other classes can do in their subjects?

Paired Reading Continued with 2nd Group of students.

Possible ideas for other subjects: Create a wordless book about a topic in their subject. Possible option for competition.

All Competitions due for final judgement.

Debating Competition in Room 8 at lunch time.

PE Classes to link to the literary.

Guess what the teacher is reading.

Get Caught Reading

Map your Reading Adventure

Quotes to be put on TV as you walk in via PPT video each day.

Competition summary: Best Costume, Book Review, design a book cover, create a new character for a novel, get caught reading, Raffle, 6 Word Story Competition, Write a poem/short story, etc,

© 2025 Coláiste Gleann Lí