Examinations 2024
Exam Candidate Portal Video
Leaving Certificate Candidate Booklet can be found here
Friday 23 August is Leaving Certificate Results Day The results will issue to you through the Candidate Self Service Portal available at www.examinations.ie and will also be transmitted to your school. If you have not already registered on the portal you will have another chance to do so the week prior to issue of results.
Further information about the dates for access to your marks; and the dates and deadlines for applying to view scripts, for viewing scripts and for the appeals application process will be provided in the Candidate Information Guide which you will receive before the commencement of the examinations in June.
Leaving Certificate Candidate Portal
In 2021, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) as part of its digital strategy, introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online (including adding or withdrawing from subjects), replacing the previous system of using individual Leaving Certificate candidate (E7) entry forms. The use of the online system, the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) will continue for the 2024 Leaving Certificate.
The portal will open tomorrow Wednesday 17th of January 2024 for candidates to register and activate their account and confirm their subject entries and levels. It will remain open for this purpose until 5pm Friday 02 February 2024.
During this time Leaving Certificate (excluding Leaving Certificate Applied) candidates will be required to complete the
Step 1: Register and create their portal account
Step 2: Activate their account by selecting the link sent to the email that they registered on the portal
Step 3: Confirm their subject and level entry details, and add or delete subjects from the records presented to them.
If applicable, amend any inaccuracy in their name and/or date of birth.
It is essential that all candidates register through the Portal as this Portal will provide candidates with the opportunity to confirm their subject choice and levels, to also allow future access to their results and for the later stages of the process such as the appeals application process.
The candidate portal can be accessed on www.examinations.ie from 1pm on Wednesday 17th of January 2024
There is helpdesk support available at 1800-111135 or 1800-111136 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday untilTuesday 02 February 2024. Outside of these hours you can email candidateportal@examinations.ie
Examinations 2023
All info in relation to examinations including candidate videos available at https://www.examinations.ie/?l=en&mc=ex&sc=e23
The video contains key messages for candidates including:
- how they should provide key information on the front cover of their answer books that is essential to ensure their scripts are processed accurately and effectively;
- and the correct writing instruments that they should use in the examinations to ensure examiners can read their complete scripts.
This video can be found under the heading “Information for Candidates” at https://www.examinations.ie/?l=en&mc=ex&sc=e23
Leaving Certificate Candidate Guide Available here

Click here to access candidate Portal Guide
****Updated 23/2/23*****
The 2023 Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal Registration Phase Closed on Tuesday 21 February and will now reopen on Tuesday 28 February 9am – 5pm for one day only.
All final year Leaving Certificate candidates must register and activate their account and confirm their subject and level choices through the portal.
The SEC Candidate Portal helpdesk can be contacted at 1800-111135 or 1800-111136 will open between 9 am and 5 pm Tuesday 28 February or candidates can email candidateportal@examinations.ie.
Leaving Certificate Portal
In 2021, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) as part of its digital strategy, introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online (including adding or withdrawing from subjects), replacing the previous system of using individual Leaving Certificate candidate entry forms. The use of the online system, the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) will continue for the 2023 Leaving Certificate.
The CSSP will open at 1pm on Wednesday 8 February for candidates to confirm their subject entries and levels. It will remain open for this purpose until 5pm on Tuesday 21 February.
During this time Leaving Certificate candidates will be required to complete the following:
Step 1: Register and create their portal account
Step 2: Activate their account by selecting the link sent to the email that they registered on the portal
Step 3: Confirm their subject and level entry details, and add or delete subjects from the records presented to them.
If applicable, amend any inaccuracy in their name and/or date of birth.
Reviewing and Confirming Subjects and Levels.
The portal will be pre-populated with the data entered by schools through the PPOD October returns process (i.e. Names, Date of Births, Subjects & Levels). This means that only those subjects which candidates have been studying in schools will be displayed on the portal.
It is extremely important at this stage that schools engage with candidates regarding their selection of their level in each subject at this time. Candidates should be advised by their teachers to select the level at which they are currently studying each subject. The SEC will use this information for planning purposes. We will also provide this information to schools through a turnaround document for review. Candidates will be permitted to change levels in the written examinations on the day of the examination, as in previous years.
Candidates will have the opportunity to add any subjects that they are studying outside of school or to delete subjects if they are no longer intending to present for examinations in particular subjects.
It is extremely important that candidates take the time to ensure that their examination entries are correct on the portal before they submit. Once a candidate has confirmed their subjects and levels on the portal they will not be able to log back into the portal to update their data. Candidates will receive a confirmation email outlining the subjects and levels they are entered for. If a candidate notices an error on their confirmation email they must contact the school in relation to the error.
Reviewing and Confirming Name and Date of Birth
For 2023, a new feature has been added to the CSSP. If the prepopulated name and date of birth is incorrect, candidates will have an opportunity to update their record on the CSSP during the registration process. Once they have completed the registration process they will not be able to log back in to update.
Access to the Portal
Leaving Certificate candidates will access the portal at www.examinations.ie from Wednesday 8 February at 1pm. A CSSP Before You Start Guide 2023 will be provided which candidates should read before commencing the process. To access the portal, candidates will need the following:
- their examination number (The SEC provided these to schools before Christmas)
- Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN will be the first 4 digits of the candidate’s Personal Public Services Number (PPS number). In the event that a candidate does not have a PPS number or a PPS was not recorded a unique PIN will be created and issued to the school prior to the portal opening.
- an email address and mobile phone number to which the candidate will have regular access to over the coming months.
Examination Fees 2023
Arrangements regarding fees for 2023 will be notified at a later stage.
The process for the confirmation of entries for candidates at the 2023 Junior Cycle Examination will be the normal paper-based process involving individualised entry forms which will issue to schools at the end of February.
Further information on the 2023 examination process will issue in due course
Thank you for your attention to these important matters.